How is your child's destiny determined?
, not chance!
The Mission of St. Valentine
Catholic School is to provide a
Catholic education based on:
alues rooted in Catholic teachings
cademic Excellence
ove and Respect for all
trong Community in Christ
The Mission of St. Valentine Catholic School is to provide a Catholic education based on:
alues rooted in Catholic teachings
cademic Excellence
ove and Respect for all
trong Community in Christ
Accredited Preschool-8 program
Preschool: 4 year old part time program
Preschool: 3 year old - 3 days a week, mornings only
All Day Kindergarten
Curriculum Based Instruction aligned with State and National benchmarks
Project Based Learning
Art, Music, Phys Ed, Computers
Computer Lab, Science Lab and beautiful Library
Spanish (K-8)
Former two-time State Champions of Future City Science and Engineering Competition
Academic Development Program
Accelerated Reader Program
Smart Board Technology in every classroom
Academic Honor Society
Student Council
Tour the School and meet the Teachers!
Educational Field Trips
Book Fairs
Hot Lunch Program
After School Program
Parent Involvement Encouraged
School Website for Parents and Students to access vital information regarding homework, assignments, upcoming activities
After school activities: Athletics, Chess Club, Drama Club, Science Club
Opportunities for Tuition Assistance
Archdiocese of Detroit Tuition Assistance Program
St. Valentine Tuition Assistance