Mrs. Christina Boyer Homeroom Teacher: 4th Grade Email: | Updated: 3-3-2023 |
As we enter into Lent I am constantly seeking out new ways to strengthen my faith. This Lent I have done a lot more reflection and prayer than I have ever before. Many of us think that when we are asked to pray "more" think that we already don't have enough time in our day, where am I going to find the time? (at least I know I do). Honestly, I still struggle with finding time to pray, however, the error on my part is thinking that prayer time needs to be long. I'm learning this Lent that taking a few seconds throughout my day to just THANK GOD is so important. There is always something happening that deserves God's praise and my graditude. At times I stop and I ask for help and just offer up my worry, frustrations, and emotions to God - again, just taking a quick moment to talk to Him. What I'm truly learning is that if I want my prayer life with God to not feel like "time spent" then I need to start looking at it like any other relationship in my life and value the time spent and appreciate that the time spent can be at any time and for as much time as needed. Spending time praying just short prayers with God has already helped my heart so much this Lent that I can't wait to see how spending more time talking to Him and praying to Him throughout the rest of Lent will be something I can contintue to do in my life even after Lent. I pray that all of you find "time" to spend in prayer with God, even if only for a few moments throughout your day - let Him listen and help guide you as He desires to do with each and every one of us.
Much love and blessings,
Mrs. Boyer