![]() | Ms. Julie Kelly Homeroom Teacher: Grade 2 Email: jkelly@stvalentineschool.com | Updated: 9-24-2024 |
"I Can Do All Things Through God Who Strenghthens Me"
Hello 2nd Grade Families,
I am very happy and blessed to be teaching at St. Valentine, this is my eighth year. I am a graduate of Baker College, with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with a Major in Language Arts. My dream to become a teacher began at the young age of five playing school in my dining room with my six siblings. My love of teaching is equal to my love of family. God blessed me with two wonderful sons, Paul and Sam. Paul is a doctor with his residency soon to be announced and Sam is watching us from heaven above. I look forward to a GREAT school year!
Teaching at St. Valentine also allows me to share my faith with my students all through out the day. We discuss how Jesus is with us always and how we can ask him for help, guidance, and kindness all through the day. I also have the joy of teaching and preparing my students for two sacraments, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. God is good, all the time:)
Ms. Julie Kelly
See Class Dojo for weekly class information.
Monday -
Tueaday - Music and Art
Wednesday - Computers and Spanish
Thursday - STEM
Friday - Mass 8:30 Please Join Us:)
The Mission of St. Valentine Catholic School is to provide a Catholic education based on:
Values rooted in Catholic teachings
Academic Excellence
Love and Respect for All
Strong Community in Christ